Two Creativity Catalysts
Dreamers create best for fun, problem solvers
create best under the gun. Market leaders create best for fun under the gun.
You create “under the gun” when you need to solve a pressing problem
urgently and creatively.
Creating for fun takes place when you are working
on making your dream a reality or “play with the objects you love”.
Fun-driven Creativity
You can improve greatly the quality of your
life by injecting creativity into everything you do. Everyone loves the
feeling – the joy, the mental lift, the energy, the attitude, the
productivity, the satisfaction – that comes with being inspired.
To enjoy
lasting inspiration and have a continual stimulus for ideas to achieve your
stretch goals, you must have a dream, to create an inspiring vision of the
future, to find what you love to do, and to choose the right, clearly
defined and intensely desired goals. Having done so, start moving towards
making your dream a reality. Experiment, take risk. If you really want
something you’ll invent amazing ways to achieve it.
Creative Problem Solving “Under the Gun”
Many people work best under pressure. The need
to solve a problem urgently or the pressure of a deadline concentrates the
mind wonderfully.
To become a creative problem solver,
Change your attitude. See yourself as a
creative problem-solver and look upon every problem as a challenge and an
opportunity to develop your creative powers.
Make creative problem solving a habit. Look
for challenging problems to solve. The more you seek for innovative
solutions and ideas, the smarter and more creative you become.
cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created
them. |
Case in Point: An Inventive
Here is the story illustrating the value of
non-standard thinking. An inventive clerk had to calculate the area of some
complex shapes. Since he was not a master in Math, he faced two problems.
Firstly, he couldn't "fetch" the data into polynomials and secondly, he
hadn't mastered the art of Integral Calculus. But he was inventive. What he
did was draw the data on calibrated 100 gram paper and then cut out the
graph and... weighted it.