Edward De Bono quotes

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.

Edward De Bono





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 What Does Creativity Brings To Your Life?
Summary of the interview of Linda Dessau with 17 creative artists

Creativity brings adventure, affects your whole life and what's "out there". It brings a sense of exploration and spontaneity. Creativity effects all parts of your life, giving you unique problem solving opportunities and energizing your relationships.

Creativity brings opportunities for self-discovery of what's "in here". It brings heightened awareness and increased ability to understand yourself.

Creativity brings connections to people, both in and out of your "tribe". Feel understood when you are around other creative people and enjoy sharing this gift with others.

Creativity brings a spiritual connection, wonder, a soulful experience, and a connection to something larger than yourself.

Creativity brings an awakening, a jarring, a sense of delicious discomfort. It brings a discontinuity to your life. There is always something more to learn. A creative idea who's execution is out of your reach because your skills haven't caught up to it yet keeps you going.

Creativity brings a return to home, a "normalcy". It helps you live and experience your true self.

Creativity brings a sense of self-worth and identity. It brings a reward, satisfaction, pride and accomplishment. Creativity celebrates the fact that you are different, by showing you a sense of purpose and a sense of your uniqueness.

Creativity heals you Some of the therapeutic benefits of creativity include relaxation, centeredness, possibility, hope and connection with self. Creativity lifts your from your sorrows and is a way to translate your hopes & feelings.

Creativity brings happiness, energy and power. Creativity is energizing, revitalizing, uplifting and motivating. It gives you joy, the impetus to push further, and a sense of power. It helps re-ignite your passion for your work and excites you into courageous action.


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