Edward De Bono

Edward De Bono quotes

Success Teachings






We need creativity in order to break free from the temporary structures that have been set up by a particular sequence of experience.



Yin-Yang of Creativity



Edward De Bono quotes

Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.

Edward De Bono


Edward De Bono quotes

To be successful you have to be lucky, or a little mad, or very talented, or find yourself in a rapid growth field.

Edward De Bono









  NLP for success 360 rapid learning course psychology of achievement





Friendship 360

People Skills 360

Great Achiever

COCA Pillars of Achievement




Major Dangers of the Need To Be Right All the Time

Arrogant certainty attends a line of thought which though correct in itself may have started from wrong premises.

An incorrect idea which would have led to a correct idea (or useful experimentation) is chocked off at too early a stage if it cannot itself be justified.

It is assumed that being right is enough ‒ an adequate arrangement blocks the possibility of a better arrangement.

The importance attached to being right all the time breeds the inhibiting fear of making mistakes.



SuperSmart vs. Smart


Super-Creativity vs. Creativity

Super-Creativity as a Dance of 3 Creativities





Famous Books by Edward de Bono





Six Thinking Hats

 Practical and uniquely positive approach to making decisions and exploring new ideas.
It is used successfully by many managers and educators

Lateral Thinking

This book is about lateral thinking, which is the process of using information to bring about creativity and insight restructuring.






Success Glossary