Virtuous Spiral |
Virtuous Spiral is a recurring cycle
of events, the result of each one being to provide a fertile ground
for and increase the beneficial effect of the next.
The 1st World Innompic Games launched a global
virtuous spiral of enhanced entrepreneurial creativity, accelerated learning and
cross-cultural unity.
"economic expansion would itself produce a virtuous circle of increased
productivity, increased exports, and increased growth"
Spiral represents a philosophy and way of life,
change, evolution, development, growth, innovation, and many other things.
The spiral is also a symbol of the dialectic process. Dialectics is at base a
discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a
subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned methods of
Virtuous Spiral
Virtuous - characterized by or possessing virtue
or moral excellence; righteous; upright
virtuous spiral in human systems is a self‐reinforcing cycle of escalating
capabilities and/or performance.
Organizations with outstanding people and
outstanding management systems create a self‐reinforcing cycle of escalating
performance—the virtuous spiral.
Holistic thinking is the ability to see the whole
picture and to understand and predict the interdependencies of various component
Growing a child, designing a building, laucnhing a startup, reinventing a
business, or making big change all require holistic thinking.
In organizations, individuals recognizing the value and importance of holistic
thinking as they move into higher levels of responsibility.
In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a point, moving farther
away as it revolves around the point.
2D Spirals
The Archimedean spiral (also known as the arithmetic spiral) is the locus of
points corresponding to the locations over time of a point moving away from a
fixed point with a constant speed along a line that rotates with constant
angular velocity.
3D spirals
Helix: A 3D spiral formed as though coiled about a cylinder.
A helix, plural helixes or helices, is a shape like a corkscrew or spiral
the DNA molecule is formed as two intertwined helices
Helices can be either right-handed or left-handed. With the line of sight along
the helix's axis, if a clockwise screwing motion moves the helix away from the
observer, then it is called a right-handed helix (Application: ; if towards the
observer, then it is a left-handed helix (Application: Attraction)
A conic helix may be defined as a spiral on a conic surface, with the distance
to the apex an exponential function of the angle indicating direction from the
axis. An example is the Corkscrew roller coaster at Cedar Point amusement park.
A circular helix, (i.e. one with constant radius) has constant band curvature
and constant torsion.
In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor is φ,
the golden ratio. That is, a golden spiral gets wider (or further from its
origin) by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes.
Easy to screw in and unscrew.
Starts with a conical spiral
> Wood Screw - virtuous spiral of concept development, competence building,
market penetration
> Machine Screw - tie ups, connecting people and things: team building,
> Water Screw - supply chain, market feedback
Self Drilling Screw
A screw is easy to screw in and unscrew.
A metapthoric master screw is your knowledge of master keys to success and
knowing how to apply them.
A metaphoric screwdriver is your ability to apply your knowledge - gently, but
firmly - along a spiral path: act, learn from feedback, move to the next spiral
You must also know when to screw in and when to unscrew in order not to screw it
Success master i
A hyperbolic spiral appears as image of a helix with a special central
Excellence is not a destination, it is a spiral-like continuous process:
improve, learn from feedback, move to the next spiral coil.
INNOBALL turns a fuzzy trajectory of venture
management to a hyperbolic spiral.
IG turn a linear life trajectory to a hyperbolic spiral.
a fuzzy trajectory of venture management to
a hyperbolic spiral. |
Vadim Kotelnikov |