Vadim Kotelnikov

Love breeds love
love your customers
and they will love you back. 


The Tree of Business

Knowing Your Customer

Customer Needs

What Makes People Buy

Customer Care

Creating Customer Value

3 Strategies of Market Leaders

Customer-driven Innovation

Balanced Business System

7 Routes To High Profits

Value Innovation

9 Questions To Answer

Surprise To Win

Customer Success 360 Vadim Kotelnikov Customer Value Proposition Service-Profit Chain Customer Intimacy Customer-driven Innovation Customer Care Customer Partnership Virtuoso Marketing Marketing Strategy Listening To Customers Observing People Customer Value Creation Value Innovation Branding Differentiation Strategy Effective Communication Influencing People Sales Success Relationship Marketing and Selling Selling Is Problem Solving Closing the Deal Retaining Customer Customer Service Customer Relationship Management Customer Satisfaction About Ten3 Business e-Coach Creative Marketing Differentiating With Different Types of People Master of Business Synergies Creating Customer Value Winning Customers

CUSTOMER SUCCESS 360: Synergistic Customer Value Creation, Marketing, Selling, Customer Retention and Customer Partnership

Brand Management Examples

Virtuoso Marketing

Internet Marketing

Emotional Marketing Examples

Marketing To the Subconscious

Customer-focused Culture

Innovation Is Love

Empathetic Marketing

Relationship Selling

Customer Engagement

Successful Salesperson: 10 Skills

Sell Benefits

Selling by Coaching

Selling by Active Listening

Closing Techniques

Creating Customers

Winning Customers

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)


Revenue Model

Online Revenue Models

Master of Business Synergies

Best Practices and Success Stories



Business Success Tree 

Your Business is Ruled by the Marketplace

"You don't decide what business you are in; the marketplace decides that for you... People will only buy what they want to buy, or are afraid not to buy, at a given moment in time," write Miles Spencer and Cliff Ennico in their book "MoneyHunt". Tailoring your business plan to what the market will buy is always a better, more successful strategy than developing a new product or service without knowing precisely the customers for it and hoping that people would buy it because it's good.

Selling Is Problem Solving

Creating Customer Value

From the customer's point of view, your company exists only to create value for them, to provide them with results. In the new rapidly changing the nature of value is changing, involving new ways to price goods, innovation and emotion. You need to think in terms of offers, to merge products and services, and to be innovative to give customers a value-added experience >>>


Modern Marketing and Selling as a Team Sport

"Selling, in the old days, was largely and act of personal heroism. The key to successful selling was knowing the products and the customers. The effective sales rep would present his or her product or service in the best possible light, forge a bond with the buyer, and triumph over the competition," writes Michael Hammer in his book Agenda.

"This approach has little to do with the way sales are made in today's real world. Today's customers don't want products; they demand solutions, and solutions don't come in a box. They must be designed, fashioned to meet the customer's specific needs. Making such sales takes a lot more than personal charisma. Today's selling is system selling, solution selling, consultative selling; it entails analyzing customer needs, designing alternative solutions, scrutinizing costs, developing and implementing systems, and more. This is not the work of a heroic individual sales rep.  Modern selling is a team sport, and a complex one at that. Winning at it takes discipline and structure. Making it up as you go along is a recipe for disaster."  >>>  22 Laws of Marketing