Success Secrets


Inspirational & Educative

Success Stories


Success Glossary



Jack Ma success advice, teachings, quotes

I think everybody can be successful if you really try hard and don’t give up.

Jack Ma


If you're trying to create a company, it's like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.

Elon Musk


Michail Zhvanetsky humorous quotes, Russian humour, jokes

Discovering your place in this world is not enough, you must also be the first to get there.

Michael Zhvanetsky



"So you see! There's no end to the things you might know, depending how far beyond zebra you go."

~ Dr. Seuss



SyperSmart vs. Smart




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  NLP for success 360 rapid learning course psychology of achievement


Vadim Kotelnikov quotes

Teach others to learn yourself.
Teach yourself to double the impact!





Friendship 360

People Skills 360






Divine Passion

Innovation is Love














Success Glossary